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WONDERLAND - Through Carolines Looking GlassBy Caroline Lim
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An allegory with corporate messages, “Wonderland Through Caroline’s Looking Glass” speaks to leaders, change agents and anyone interested in organizational culture change. It shares some of my real-life experiences, encapsulating lessons learnt over 30 years of transformational HR in Asian, European and American- headquartered multi-national companies.
The entire work is presented in an illustrated form reminiscent of a children’s story book. Borrowing some characters from “Alice in Wonderland”, Wonderland weaves together culture change journeys relevant to many organizations. The result is a management guide book with a difference. I hope that readers will easily identify with the imaginary world representing modern workplaces, while in parallel draw meaning and applications therein.
Why use a fairy tale as an allegory for such a serious and formidable topic as corporate culture change? Because culture change requires determination, discipline and perseverance, but one often forgets that creativity, fun and an ability to deal with the unexpected (so bountifully present in this fairy tale) are critical ingredients in the potent mix for success!
It is my hope that change agents will enjoy both the fictional yarn and the accompanying practical guidance. Alongside the main allegorical tale, side-boxes of Tips, Tools and Traps offer pragmatic wisdom – Tips being advice on what works; Tools being specific applications; and Traps being pitfalls to avoid.
Wonderland expresses the belief that the ideal workplace is where you look forward to going when you wake up every morning, a dreamland where the balance of work and play engenders the best outcome for the organization and greatest satisfaction for the individual.
Too good to be true? Get a glimpse of Wonderland ... through my looking glass.
- Sales Rank: #1369625 in eBooks
- Published on: 2013-09-30
- Released on: 2013-09-30
- Format: Kindle eBook
"A Whimsical Narrative... beautifully illustrated"
"Plenty of books on organisation culture and change have been penned by HR veterans, but probably none with such a whimsical narrative as Wonderland, and certainly none as beautifully illustrated by the author's own hand. That is perhaps the most surprising revelation of the book, which is also peppered generously with catchy HR insights."
- Fiona Chan, The Straits Times (Singapore)
"A workplace without imagination is losing its touch."
"The book, lavishly illustrated and suitable as a coffee table volume, is about team building and company transformation, and takes a lead from the stunning creativity of the Lewis Carroll classics as it follows an "Alice" through the relationships, perils and adventures of bringing meaning and excitement to work life, and attaining personal goals while advancing those of the company -- and the shareholders. The underlying message: a workplace without imagination is losing its touch."
- Tom Leander, Lloyd's List
A Corporate Fairytale for All Ages
"Parallel to the fairytale narrative are practical 'Tips, Tools and Traps' for application in a corporate context. The entire work is presented in a form reminiscent of a children's story book, peppered with Lim's own illustrations of an imaginary world, making it accessible to both the young and old."
- Sam Chambers, Maritime CEO
"An Amusing yet Informative read"
"Caroline Lim, PSA's head of HR and corporate affairs, reveals herself not only as a gifted storyteller and something of a management guru but also an accomplished illustrator in her debut book... an amusing yet informative read even for serious-minded MBA students."
- Seatrade Magazine, April 2014
About the Author
Caroline Lim is a veteran HR strategist and thought leader with over 30 years of varied and extensive experience in HR management and has worked with many large private and public sector organizations in Manufacturing, Retail, Consulting Services and the Port Industry.
In her foundational years with Apple Computer, Caroline learnt the ropes of HR, became a full-fledged practitioner and gained the valuable insight that high-performing teams often thrive in environments that encourage play and engender trust.
Following more than 12 years in Apple Computer, Caroline took on a HR role in DFS, a luxury retailing organization for a short stint before progressing to Regional Vice-President of HR with Ernst & Young (EY) Global Client Consulting for another seven years. While leading all facets of HR covering 13 Asia-Pacific countries, Caroline was part of the global management team that lent support towards the organization's Global State 2002 (GS02) initiative during the mid to late 90's, which charted the organization's future relating to "people" and prepared them to face challenges and seize opportunities in the 21st century.
Caroline gained invaluable experience in the melding of organizational cultures during and after EY's acquisition by Cap Gemini of the EY global consulting arm. Over the years, Caroline has become known as the prominent HR Integration Leader, savvy in Change Management and Culture Change Transformation.
Currently based in Singapore, Caroline has been the Global Head of Human Resource & Corporate Affairs in PSA International since 2003, where she is also a member of the Senior Management Council of the PSA Group, a global port operator.
In recognition of her professional accomplishments, Caroline was conferred by HRM Magazine with two notable Awards for two years consecutively: Best HR Leader Award (2008) and Special Award for Outstanding Contributions to HR (2009), representing views polled from organization leaders and HR professionals.
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