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Personality plusBy Florence Littauer
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A revealing "personality profile" self-test and Littauer's insightful advice help readers better understand themselves and others. A best-seller.
- Amazon Sales Rank: #790151 in Books
- Brand: Brand: F.H. Revell Co
- Published on: 1983
- Number of items: 1
- Binding: Hardcover
- 188 pages
- Used Book in Good Condition
From the Back Cover Each of the following statements relates to one of the four basic personality types: Melancholy, Phlegmatic, Sanguine, and Choleric.Which of these statements do you relate to most?- Whether at home or work, I am well organized and keep everything in its proper place.- It's difficult for me to express excitement, even about something that's really important to me.- When shopping at the mall, it's not unusual for me to forget where I parked the car.- I get annoyed when my employees don't follow my instructions to the letter.In Personality Plus, Florence Littauer gives you valuable insight for appreciating your one-of-a-kind, God-given personality. She includes a Personality Profile test that reveals how your unique blend of traits affects your emotions, work performance, and relationships. Through humorous anecdotes and straightforward counsel, Personality Plus guides you to improve upon your strengths and correct your weaknesses.This engaging book also provides keys to understanding those around you. You'll learn how to accept-and even enjoy-the traits that make each of us so different. Personality Plus is the tool you need to change your life, and the lives of those you care about, for the better.
About the Author Florence Littauer is the best-selling author of Silver Boxes, Personality Plus for Couples, Personality Plus for Parents, and several other books. She speaks internationally at seminars and retreats and is the president of CLASS Speakers, Inc. She and her husband, Fred, live in California.
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